We do hope that both you and your dogs enjoy your stay.
Here are some important reminders for you for when you are inside the Barns, or out and about on the farm:
- When inside the Barns, dogs should stay on the floor in living areas and are not allowed in bedrooms. Please do keep pets off the furniture.
- When you are out and about on the farm please do make sure that your dog is well controlled near farm animals at all times, particularly during lambing (March to May) and keep your dogs on leads when walking near livestock.
- Please do ‘clean up’ after your dogs outside when around the Barns and in the farmyard.
- When returning to the barns after walks wet dogs should be kept in the kennels until dry.
- Washing facilities are provided for you in the kennels to clean your dogs if needed.
If you are leaving your dog(s) ‘home alone’ whilst you are out during the day, they should be left in the kennels rather than in the Barns. If a bitch happens to be in season or comes into season during your stay they are required to be kept outside in the kennels rather than inside the Barns.
Please do note that an excess charge for additional cleaning inside the Barns or in the kennel will be made after your stay if necessary.